We can bring our Spa Daze magic to you and your guests for a day to remember!
Benefits of Having a Massage Therapist Come to You
Pricing is based on length of service per guest, distance, and selected upgrades.
*Three guest minimum*
Anything is possible with your own personal "Self-Care Sanctuary" Spa Day Event Hosts.
Complexion Resuscitation Injectables
Contact us for service and amenity options.
Employees who sit for long periods of time are at risk of neck, shoulder, lower back, & hip issues…plus poor circulation, cardiovascular stress, and increased mental and physical strain.
Benefits of Corporate Chair Massage for EMPLOYERS
Benefits of Corporate Chair Massage for EMPLOYEES
This study confirms the health benefits of just a 10-minute massage: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200918104305.htm
What can we do for your employees?
Pricing is based on length of service per employee and distance. We have two packages to choose from.
*Four person minimum*
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"Self-Care Sanctuary Spa Parties"
with Mobile Daze and affiliate
Spa Party Event Hosts!
On location spa services.