Jennica Klemann
Owner of Spa Daze
Licensed Massage Therapist
Certified Grief Recovery Specialist
I can help guide you through your grief process with an evidence-based educational program called the Grief Recovery Method. We will work together to assess your relationship with your loss and how we will get to completion. The Grief Recovery Method will provide long-term tools that will comfort you through future grief experiences as well.
Please contact me to discuss your unique needs and how we can work together on your recovery.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Spa Daze Therapists have been trained to provide an intuitive & compassionate massage, with a special blend of essential oils specifically selected for elevating mood and decreasing depression & anxiety.
15 minutes with a weighted blanket to decompress following the treatment is included.
75 minutes $90
90 minutes $130
This is a seven-week one-on-one, action-based program.
This is a progressive program and sessions cannot be taken independently of each other.
The Grief Recovery Method is a non-medical service and is not covered by insurance.Health Savings Account (HSA) payment accepted.Discounts for prepayment & payment plans are available.
I offer a 2 hour lecture-based online CE class entitled,
"Caring for Grievers with Confidence"
This is an informative presentation for Massage Therapists and health care workers. I cover the physiology of grief,
how the stress of grief affects our bodies, identifying common coping behaviors, compassionate care, recommended treatment guidelines, Aromatherapy for grief, Therapist self-care, and more.
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